Published Works by Patrick White

Published Works
Nora Heysen, Corn Cobs (1938)
- Happy Valley (1939)
- The Living and the Dead (1941)
- The Aunt’s Story (1948)
- The Tree of Man (1955)
- Voss (1957)
- Riders in the Chariot (1961)
- The Solid Mandala (1966)
- The Vivisector (1970)
- The Eye of the Storm (1973)
- A Fringe of Leaves (1976)
- The Twyborn Affair (1979)
- The Hanging Garden (1981, unfinished, published 2012)
- Memoirs of Many in One (1986)
14. Flaws in the Glass: A Self-Portrait (1981)
Collected in Four Plays (1965, republished as Collected Plays Volume 1 in 1985), Collected Plays Volume II (1994), and Patrick White: Selected Writings (1994, ed: Alan Lawson)
- Bread and Butter Women (c. 1932) Unavailable
- The School for Friends (1937) Unavailable
- Peter Plover’s Party (1937)
- Return to Abyssinia (1939) Unavailable
- La Grande Amoureuse (1940)
- The Ham Funeral (1947)
- The Season at Sarsaparilla (1962)
- A Cheery Soul (1963)
- Night on Bald Mountain (1964)
- Big Toys (1977)
- Signal Driver: a Morality Play for the Times (1982)
- Netherwood (1983)
- Shepherd on the Rocks (1987)
28. The Night the Prowler (1978)
Short Stories and Novellas
Collected in The Burnt Ones (1964), The Cockatoos (1974), Three Uneasy Pieces (1987), Patrick White: Selected Writings (1994, ed: Alan Lawson), and Collected Short Stories (2004)
- The Twitching Colonel (1937)
- Cocotte (1940)
- The Sewing Machine of Tobruk (1942)
- After Alep (1945)
- On the Balcony (1945)
- Willy-Wagtails by Moonlight (1961)
- The Woman Who Wasn’t Allowed to Keep Cats (1962)
- Dead Roses (1962)
- The Letters (1962)
- A Cheery Soul (1962)
- Being Kind to Titina (1962)
- Miss Slattery and Her Demon Lover (1962)
- Down at the Dump (1962)
- Clay (1962)
- A Glass of Tea (1963)
- The Evening at Sissy Kamara’s (1964)
- A Woman’s Hand (1966)
- The Full Belly (1966)
- Five-Twenty (1967)
- The Night the Prowler (1970)
- Sicilian Vespers (1973)
- The Cockatoos (1973)
- Fete Galante (1977)
- The Screaming Potato (1986)
- Dancing with Both Feet on the Ground (1986)
- The Age of a Wart (1986)
Song Lyrics
- Aria (“A Woman of Fashion and Distinction”) (1984), composer: Carl Vine
- Six Urban Songs (1986), composer: Moya Henderson
- Night and Dreams
- Song of the Housewife
- To Watch the River
- Rhinestones
- Sick Song
- God
Collected in Patrick White: A Life (1991, by David Marr) and Patrick White: Selected Writings (1994, ed: Alan Lawson),
- The Tramp (1924)
- Thirteen Poems (1929) – contains 13 pieces
- The Ploughman and Other Poems (1935) – contains 34 pieces
- The House Behind the Barricades (1938)
- Lines from Egypt (1941)
- Nine Thoughts from Sydney (1970)
- Defending the Right to Offend (1985)
Collected in Patrick White Speaks (1989, ed: Christine Flynn and Paul Brennan) and Patrick White: Selected Writings (1994, ed: Alan Lawson)
- The Prodigal Son (1958)
- Autobiographical Essay for the Nobel Prize committee (1973)
- Patriotism, or It Seems as Though Life Itself Now Depends on Sport (1984)
- The Bicentenary (1988)
I have located 37 letters which White published in public media, as well as 6 group letters which he gave his name to. See Letters.
Additionally, hundreds of White’s pieces of private correspondence were published in Patrick White: Letters (1994, ed: David Marr)
Collected in Patrick White Speaks (1989, ed: Christine Flynn and Paul Brennan) and Patrick White: Selected Writings (1994, ed: Alan Lawson)
White loathed the media and public attention for the first two-thirds of his life. However his late transition to activist saw him change his tune. 29 public speeches are noted (as far as my investigations can tell), all but one of them given after his 60th birthday. See Speeches.
Miscellaneous Writings
I have so far found 18 additional pieces of writing, not fitting into the above categories, which were published. These range from White’s debut in the Sunday Times in 1922 (aged 9) to his final written piece, Credo, which was published in Overland magazine in 1988. See the Other Works page.
See also Interviews and Unpublished works.
See the Bibliography for works on White.
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