Patrick White and Art

Tom Roberts, Coming South (1886)
White had a lifelong relationship with the world of art. Here, I seek to catalogue some of the paintings and artworks that inspired him – or that were inspired by him.
Paintings in White’s life
1938-39: Roy de Maistre painted Suzanne, and then Ruth, and then Paddy – all three now in AGNSW.
1957-58: Sidney Nolan’s Galaxy, one of White’s faves.
Tom Gleghorn sells a series of sketches inspired by Voss, which reflect the preparatory work for his two paintings, Of Voss and Death of Voss, the latter of which wins the Hunter River Valley festival art prize.
1961: Eric Smith did a series of paintings inspired by Voss, which were exhibited at the David Jones gallery in Sydney in Feb 1961 – reviewed in Bulletin 15/2/1961 and by Robert Hughes in Nation 25/2/1961
1962: Louis Kahan painted a portrait of Patrick White which won the 1962 Archibald.
In the early 1960s Sidney Nolan was working on “The Ladies”, portraits of women in hats inspired by figures in White’s novels. Four of these ladies appeared on the original cover of The Burnt Ones.
Around the late 1960s, White started gifting a few to the Art Gallery of NSW with plans to leave them all upon his death. De Maistre, Bacon and eventually Whiteley all impressed him. Ian Fairweather’s Gethsemane hung above his desk at Highbury.
1980s: Whiteley: Patrick White as a Headland (used as the cover on Collected Plays Volume 2)
1989: Christopher Waddington had an exhibition called “Paintings from the novels of Patrick White” at the Holdsworth Gallery, Woolharra, 8-26 July 1989
Brett Whiteley’s famous portrait of White hung in the wall of NSW Parliament House near the Premier’s office because then-Premier Neville Wran liked it. However by 1986 (SMH 11/4), the new Premier – Barrie Unsworth – had a less charitable relationship with the author, who had became a constant thorn in the side of the government. A debate was held, with some advisors voting to get rid of it. Others decided to keep it because they felt the painting wasn’t aesthetically flattering, and they knew White was annoyed by the inclusion of some private information which Whiteley had included in the painting without the author’s knowledge (a list of his favourite and least favourite things). Ultimately Unsworth chose to have it removed: sent to the Art Gallery of NSW, where it ended up in the basement (SMH 6/10/1990). The piece was brought out after White’s death for a 1992 exhibition. The painting is now part of the NSW Parliament Art Collection, and was hanging in the Parliament’s Macquarie Room as recently as 2018; I hope it is there still.
Michael Ramsden, “The Wedding Party”, based on an old 1945 Australian Women’s Weekly photograph (in which White appeared as a young man?) (SMH28/04/1979)
1956 photo: “Patrick White and ‘Tom Jones’, Sydney” [cat], now held by the NLA
Donations to the Gallery of NSW (in White’s lifetime)
1968: Thomas Gleghorn, “Coast wind”, 1959, painting
1969: Stanislaus Rapotec, “Zeus, Poseidon, Pluton”, 1969, painting
Clement Meadmore, “Silence”, 1960, sculpture
1970: Dick Watkins, “Untitled”, 1970, painting
Louis James, “Spy-hole”, 1969, painting
Frank Hodgkinson, Untitled, 1964, watercolour
Robert Henderson Grieve, “Ukiyoe theme no. 2”, 1965, painting
Jacqueline Hick, “Boys at the dam”, 1966, painting
Thomas Gleghorn, “Synaptic displacement”, 1958, painting
1972: Joe Szabo, Untitled, 1972, painting
John Stockdale, Untitled, c. 1969, painting
1973: Imants Tillers, “Still life 1: 131-137”, painting
Thea Proctor, “Woman in shawl”, c. 1923, watercolour
John Olsen, “The chapel”, 1966, painting
1974: David Rankin, “Willow eyebrows II”, 1973-1974, painting
John Peart, “Golden”, 1973-1974, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Snake (detail)”, 1970, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Shark (detail)”, 1970, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Paradise garden (detail no. 1, grass tree)”, c. 1968, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Paradise garden (detail no. 2, flowers), c. 1968, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Paradise garden (detail no. 3, lily), c. 1968, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Leda and swan”, c. 1960, painting
Sidney Nolan, “The galaxy”, 1957, painting
Sidney Nolan, “Shakespeare sonnet (poet with death’s hand), 1967, painting
Rodney Milgate, “Thoughts on holism”, 1974, painting
Erica McGilchrist, “Mandala for my mother and father”, 1971, painting
1975: Brett Whiteley, “(Free standing ultramarine) Palm trees”, 1974, sculpture
Brett Whiteley, “Big orange (sunset)”, 1974, painting
Stanislaus Rapotec, “Attending high mass, St. Mark’s Venice”, 1966, painting
Stephen Earle, “A kind of family”, 1965, painting
1977: Bob Jenyns, “The wedding”, 1970s, sculpture
1979: Brett Whiteley, “Face of an old man”, 196?, charcoal
Brett Whiteley, “Head studies”, 1971, drawing
Brett Whiteley, “Crying woman”, 196?, drawing
Brett Whiteley, “The green mountain (Fiji)”, 1969, painting
Brett Whiteley, “The pink heron”, 1969, painting
Robin Wallace-Crabbe, “Lovers at Port Macquarie”, 1968, painting
Michael Franklin Taylor, “Cape 3 points”, 1969, painting
William Salmon, “Six frames”, 1975, painting
Louis James, “Garden: dawn, noon, and night”, 1969, painting
1981: Ken Whisson, “Flag for an Australian backyard no. 2 (Flag of my disposition no. 13)”, c. 1980, painting
Robin Wallace-Crabbe, “Lovers”, 1980, painting
Richard Larter, “Stand up walking dog no 1”, 1972, painting
1982: Frank Littler, “Mineral thoughts”, c. 1982, painting
1983: Brett Whiteley, “Stanner’s dream”, 1974, painting
Brett Whiteley, “Coincidence”, 1973, painting
Brett Whiteley, “Preliminary sketch for large cream landscape”, 1972, painting
Stanislaus Rapotec, “Spring”, 1968, painting
1986: Chris O’Doherty, “Park in Melbourne”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Lines of trees, near Tathra”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “House and garage at dusk”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Abandoned truck body, North Coast, NSW”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Bulk cement hopper, Hobart”, 1982, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Corner of a house and some garden, Tathra, NSW”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Electric pylon, near Taree”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Two young persons in a modern interior”, 1974, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Motel swimming pool, Los Angeles”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Surf club, Era Beach”, 1986, drawing
Chris O’Doherty, “Untitled group (Coogee; Hobart, Tasmania; Princes Highway between Ballina and Grafton; Dunedin, New Zealand; Hume Highway between Gundagai and Yass; Coogee Beach; Invention, Princes Highway near Mullumbimby)”, 1982, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “View of Ballina from hotel window”, 1982, watercolour
Chris O’Doherty, “View from Hume Highway approaching Campbelltown”, 1985, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Self portrait with a lumpy coat”, 1986, painting
Chris O’Doherty, “Part of a holiday in Alice Springs”, 1977, painting
Frank Littler, “History of parliament”, date unknown, painting
Frank Littler, “Goldhead of treasurer found”, date unknown, painting
The White Bequest
Thomas Gleghorn, Untitled, 1969, painting
Thomas Gleghorn, “Robber gull in net II”, 1959, watercolour
Thomas Gleghorn, “Portrait of Patrick White”, late 1950s, painting
Thomas Gleghorn, “Wheogo”, 1960, painting
Thomas Gleghorn, “Study for day of rain”, 1959, watercolour
Rhonda Hamlyn, The wave (“Girl entangled”), c. 1967, drawing
Bim Hilder, Abstract form, date unknown, sculpture
Christine Hiller, Self portrait, 1982, watercolour
E. Jones, “Streetscape”, date unknown, painting
Robert Juniper, “Desert landscape with figures”, 1961, painting
Michael Kmit, Head of artist”, 1955, painting
Richard Larter, “Middle shift”, 1974, painting
Richard Larter, “Mr No, the rat fink censor”, 1965, painting
Lisl Levinsohn, “Geometric Composition”, 1978, print
Gerald Lewers, Abstract form, date unknown, sculpture
Gerald Lewers, “Signaller”, c. 1960, sculpture
Margo Lewers, “Orange shapes”, c. 1956, painting
Frank Littler, “Planets”, 1986, painting
Elwyn Lynn, “Slope”, 1978, mixed media
Erica McGilchrist, “Enigmatic entrance no. 1: Come and go”, 1970, painting
Erica McGilchrist, “River bed: end of the way”, 1962, painting
Erica McGilchrist, “Five panel study”, 1974, painting
Sally McInerney, “Zebras”, date unknown, etching
Mary Macqueen, “Old lady feeding pigeons at King’s Cross”, date unknown, drawing
James Meldrum, “Flow past”, 1960, painting
Clem Millward, “Along the foothills”, c. 1970, painting
Clem Millward, “Lake”, c. 1970, painting
Patricia Moylan, “Common gardens”, c. 1975, painting
Martin Murphy, “Lovers”, c. 1982, painting
Alan Oldfield, “Lovers”, 1966, painting
John Peart, “Ozmos blue”, 1973, painting
John Peart, “April Snow”, 1968, drawing
Frances Peck, “Untitled (house with sheep)”, 1981, print
Frances Peck, “The jockeys”, c. 1984, painting
Frances Peck, “Bronte”, 1981, print
Emanuel Raft, “Laminated red”, 1967, painting
Emanuel Raft, “Reflection 8”, 1965, drawing
Michael Ramsden, “Australian Totem”, 1978, painting
Michael Ramsden, “Australian head, c. 1976, painting
Michael Ramsden, “Blackheath, evening” (Rosellas), c. 1976, painting
David Rankin, “Untitled, 1973, print
Stanislaus Rapotec, “Palestrina’s Mass at St. Eustache”, 1967, painting
Jon Rhodes, “Gurka’wuy, Trial Bay, Northern Territory”, 1974, photograph studies
Jon Rhodes, “Ray Sharpe”, 1972-1974, photograph diptych
Victor Rubin, “Sydney draught – So, why are we here?”, 1982, mixed media
Ken Searle, “Newtown”, 1978, painting
Ken Searle, “Patchwork”, 1976, painting
Ken Searle, “Roger’s lamingtons”, c. 1980, painting
Ken Searle, “St Stephen’s”, c. 1976, painting
Martin Sharp, “Couples”, 1979, collage
Martin Sharp, “Signal driver (theatre poster), 1979, print
John Stockdale, “Free-bound transition”, c. 1965, painting
John Stockdale, “Red burning blue”, 1965, painting
John Stockdale, “Abstract study”, 1971, painting
John Stockdale, “Abstract study”, 1971, drawing
John Stockdale, “Abstract study”, 1972, watercolour
Imre Szigeti, “Ash Wednesday”, ??, drawing
Imre Szigeti, “Ragpicker”, ??, drawing
Ann Taylor, “The House”, 1970, painting
Peter Upward, Abstract, 1960, painting
3 x unknown artist abstract works
Max Watters, “Church of England, Camberwell”, c. 1965, painting
Brett Whiteley, “Stones staring at the ground (anywhere)”, 1979, painting
Robert F. Williams, “Sidescape”, 1967, drawing
Rod Withers, “Untitled 13”,197?, watercolour
Rod Withers, “Untitled 19”, 197?, watercolour
Susan Wright, “Deepwater”, 1973, collage
William Yang, “Bondi delicious (Portrait of Jim Sharman), 1976, photograph
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