The Patrick White Catalogue
“For me, a comma is a piece of sculpture.”
Welcome to the world of Patrick White, Australia’s only Nobel Laureate in Literature. Here you will find facts, figures, and commentary on White’s entire oeuvre, from his thirteen novels to his plays, short stories, essays, and much more. Our mission is to celebrate the remarkable output of this great master, and help ensure his legacy.
October 2023: As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Patrick’s Nobel win, I am updating the website , tidying each page, and will gradually add more info to the later novels. As of 26 October, 64 of 78 pages have been updated to reflect changes to the WordPress source code. I apologise for any formatting errors on the remaining pages.
In the meantime, thankyou for visiting, and please get in touch with your thoughts!

Website content copyright Samuel Yeo 2021–2024. All quotes and images of Patrick White are used for review and research purposes only, and copyright remains with the White Estate.